Setup for remote user

It’s not required to create a local User object for every logged in identity. If you don’t need a local user object you can setup the app to work with a remote user. This user behaves like Django’s User object but it is not a real one.


For logging purposes Django admin only works with User objects which are stored in the database. So you cannot use this method to authenticate users for admin usage.


Set the configuration setting below before running the migrations!

Set the OIDC Profile model to the remote variant:

# your-project/
KEYCLOAK_OIDC_PROFILE_MODEL = 'django_keycloak.RemoteUserOpenIdConnectProfile'

Configure the remote user middleware:



By default the class django_keycloak.remote_user.KeycloakRemoteUser is used as user, this one will be available on the request when authenticated and will be returned when you access RemoteUserOpenIdConnectProfile.user. If you want another class (i.e. you need extra properties) you can configure this class using the setting KEYCLOAK_REMOTE_USER_MODEL:

KEYCLOAK_REMOTE_USER_MODEL = 'django_keycloak.remote_user.KeycloakRemoteUser'